An Alliance of Practicality and Luxury
These cigar stands are much more than simple accessories: they embody the art of living and elegance specific to the Elie Bleu brand. By maintaining the cigars in a perfect position, these "Bridges" ensure an unparalleled tasting experience, while adding a sophisticated aesthetic touch.
Decor and Aesthetics
The “Bridge” supports come in gold or silver metal, each bringing its own charm and elegance. Gold metal evokes wealth and prestige, while silver metal offers a modern and refined look. These refined finishes are designed to blend seamlessly into any decor, whether classic or contemporary.
Use and Maintenance
These cigar stands are designed to be both practical and easy to maintain. To keep them in perfect condition, simply wipe them with a soft cloth after each use. Their robustness guarantees a long lifespan, even with frequent use.
The pair of metal “Bridge” for cigars Elie Bleu is the ultimate accessory for any cigar lover. Combining functionality and aesthetics, these supports ensure perfect tasting while adding a touch of luxury at your accessory collections. Whether you opt for the gold or silver finish, you will appreciate the elegance and practicality of these supports.